Opinum entities sites and sources are defined by a series of generic parameters that are the same for every account. Beside of that, you can add account-specific parameters for both the Sites and the Sources on your account. These specific parameters are named Forms.
The forms content can be use the same way as generic parameters. You can export these information in reports, use it to filter in the views, to build dashboards.
The forms are composed by elements of three categories :
- Form: the parameters main category
- Group: sub-category
- Field: parameter itself
We will see hereunder how to create two forms with all sub-elements. One at sites level and one for the sources.
This article also cover the usage of the forms at the sources and sites levels.
First of all, you need the rights access. Managers have access to all the functionalities by default. If you are an user, you should first ask a manager to get Write access to the forms.
Creating a form can be done on a brand-new account; however, it makes more sense to first add a site and a source before creating your first form so that you can use it on a site or source.
Step 1 : create a form
The first step is to create a form to make it available for every site of you account.
The forms menu is under the Account section on the right menu displayed when you click on your name on the upper-right corner.
Create the form
On the forms page, click on Add a form. The form creation popup opens. Fill the fields as follows :
- Name : the name of the form (e.g.: Building Geometry | Meter location)
- Entity : choose where the form will be visible. In the sources or sites properties
- Order : deprecated. Leave 0
Save to close the creation window.
Create group
Now that your form has been created, click on Content on the left menu and then on the + at the right of the screen and the group creation window will opens. Fill the fields as follows :
- Display name : name of the group (e.g.: Surfaces | Floor nr)
- Visibility : chose whether to display or not the group name. For small forms, this sub-division is sometimes not useful.
Save to close the creation window.
Create fields
Now that your group has been created, click on the second + at the right of the screen and the field creation window will open. Fill the fields as follows :
- Name : field name (e.g.: Ground surface [m2] | Room nr )
- Type : data type expected as parameter :
- String : text on one line
- Int : integer
- Double : decimal number
- Password : text field where the content will be hided (****)
- Date : a calendar will open to fill the field
- LongString : text on multiple lines
- Boolean : true or false
- Optional/Required: choose whether this field will be mandatory or not for filling out the form
- Single field/List:
- Single field : a simple field as described by the type.
- List: define a list to be displayed. Only the item names will be displayed to the user. The underlying values will be stored in the database.
Save to close the creation window.
Use the form to enter specific parameters
Your form is available in the site or sources details, depending on you choice at the step 1.1. Entity.
Go to the sites screen, select a site and display the site details. Click on Building Properties and the forms are available along with the General Information which are Opinum specific parameters.
Click on your form name and on Edit Section to open the form fill-in window.
Go to the sources screen, click on a meter name and then on Properties. Here are all your forms subdivided by groups.
You can now enter as many specific parameter as you need to.
Learn more on Customize sources