ODM DataHubFeedback
The DataHubFeedback table is filled by the ODM synchronizer to report operations performed on ODM tables and errors that occurred.
It is up to the customer to create this table using the following statement:
use [Datahub-ODM]
create table [schema].DataHubFeedback
Date datetime,
Level char,
TableName varchar(50),
Message nvarchar(2000)
The ODM API allows to query the top lastest rows and to clear the content of the table. Since it is a SQL table, you can also query/manage it by yourself.
The ODM synchronizer will periodically delete rows older than 7 days, avoiding the table to grow infinitely. If the ODM synchronizer encounters an error while inserting a feedback row, it will wait for 1 hour before trying to insert another feedback row. Any feedback occurring within this hour will be lost.