Opinum user manual
Find all the information you need to enjoy Opinum, from the basics concepts to start sending your data to the advanced calculations and visualization features.
First time using Opinum Data Hub?
Go through our starter guide to have an overview of Opinum Data Hub features and start using it. Keep our glossary near you.
Want to discover all Opinum Data Hub features?
Go through our user manual and learn all you need to take advantages of your data.
Developer center
Go through the technical documentation and API documentation. To go further you can test the API on Swagger, and find our samples on GitHub
What's new?
You will find all the product updates in the Release Notes.
About Opinum
Our mission is to help our clients contribute to the United Nation sustainable goals by providing them Opinum Data Hub.

Opinum contributes to a better environment and to the energy transition enabling energy and environmental actors to leverage the untapped potential of data. Our digital platform, designed for energy and environmental actors, covers all the steps in the data management value chain to allow our clients disregard the complex data plumbing and focus on their core value and expertise. Major utilities and technology companies trust us as a key partner in their digital transformation journey. More info on opinum.com.