Ewon is a remote connectivity solution for industrial equipment, developed by HMS Networks. It allows machine builders and users to securely access their industrial equipment from anywhere.
Steps to request and use the Ewon connector
- If you wish to connect your Ewon sensors in Data Hub, please contact your account manager at Opinum to request the connector. Your account manager will inform you of any costs involved.
- On your account Opinum will add the Ewon connector, it will appear in the Source pop-up and in the Services conection page.
For any questions or assistance, please contact our technical support through our customer portal : https://help.opinum.com/tickets.
Connect your Ewon account to Opinum
To connect your Ewon account to Opinum, you will need your Talk2M API Key and DEV ID.
Account Level Connection
- In Data Hub navigate to Account > Settings.
- Click on the + button.
- In the External Services pop-up, select Ewon.
User Level Connection
- In Data Hub navigate to Profile > Services.
- Click on the + button.
- In the External Services pop-up, select Ewon.
Ewon Connection Pop-up
- The Ewon connection pop-up will open.
- Fill in the fields with your credentials:
- Name: Enter your DEV ID. DEV ID is a Talk2M Developper ID specific to the DataMailBox. To request one, fill in the form that can be found on Ewon Developers website
- API key: ID generated by the administrator of a Talk2M account. This Talk2M token give access to an Ewon gateway or to a pool of Ewon gateways.
- Click on the Save button.
You can also create a new connection directly through "sources" tab (see next point, Create Ewon Source).
Create Ewon Source
Creating an Ewon Source via the UI
- Add a Source:
- Click on the + button in the menu displayed on every page and select Add source.
- The Source creation pop-up will appear.
- Alternative ways to open the Source creation pop-up:
- On the Sources page, click on Add source.
- On the Sites page, select a site, click on "Informations", select "go to sources", and click on Add source.
- Select the Site and Ewon Source:
- Choose the site where your Ewon source should be added.
- Select the Ewon logo and click on the Next button.
- The dedicated Ewon source pop-up will open.
- Configure the Ewon Source:
- Select the Ewon account you would like to use or add a new one.
- Select the Ewon sensor you want to connect.
- The granularity of your Ewon data is 15 minutes by default, but you can change it if your Ewon is configured differently.
- Select the variables you want to get data for and choose the default variable. Be aware that Data Hub variables integrate only numerical values!
- Save the Configuration:
- Click on the Save button.
- The source, variables, and trigger are created, and the data is imported into the new variables.
Creating an Ewon Source via API (Batch Processing)
Prerequisites : you'll have to connect with client ID with the following scopes : datahub-api connector-app connectors-ewon connector-63ea2abd641f46e1c172cf22
As of the date of this document, the Data Hub user has to be an administrator, too, which should be fixed.
Using the following URL for QA https://datahub-qa-public.opinum.com
, retrieve a token, with a POST on /connect/token
. Using this token :
- Retrieve the list of devices with a GET on
, where serviceKey depends on the customer ; for Sibelga, used0d18b32-07c8-44b6-9014-7e4320f852ea
; you get a list[{"name": <ewon_name>, "id": <ewon_id>}]
- For any EWON, retrieve the list of tags, with a GET on
; you will get a list[{'tagId': <tagID>, 'name': '<tagName>', 'description': '<tagDescription>'}]
- Create the source and variables with a POST on
, using the following payload :
"siteId": <siteId>,
"serviceKey": "<serviceKey>",
"ewonId": <ewonId>,
"ewonName": "ewonName",
where :
Data is retrieved every hour, at minute 00, for each source of type EWON in all the accounts of the environment. When a Ewon device is connected to Data Hub, the last 7 days of data are retrieved from your device.
If you want us to retrieve more historical data from your Ewon devices, please open a support tickets in our support portal https://help.opinum.com/tickets. To create a Ewon source, users need to have the following sources claim ADMIN. Managers can create Ewon source without any special configuration.EWON_ID_<ewonName>_ID_<tagName>
.Data retrieval
Data History
Users rights