Custom filter query syntax
This document describes the syntax used to query a filtered list of sources or sites using the Opinum API or the source (meter) search box in Opinum Data Hub portal.
Relational operators
All string operations are case-insensitive Operator names are case insensitive
Operator | Description | Example |
left = right | True if left is equal to right (see Relaxed type interpretation) | Name = ‘My name’, id = 123 |
left <> right left != right | True if left is not equal to right (see Relaxed type interpretation) | Name <> ‘My name’, id != 123 |
left > right | True if left is greater than right. This operator is more meaningful when comparing numeric/date values but is also valid for strings (‘AB’> ‘A’) | ‘my custom field’ > -123E-6 |
left >= right | True if left is greater than right. This operator is more meaningful when comparing numeric/date values but is also valid for strings (‘AB’ >= ‘A’) | ‘my custom date’ >= 2018 |
left < right | True if left is greater than right. This operator is more meaningful when comparing numeric/date values but is also valid for strings (‘A’ < ‘B’) | id < 10 |
left <= right | True if left is greater than right. This operator is more meaningful when comparing numeric/date values but is also valid for strings (‘AB’ <= ‘ABC’) | id <= 10 |
left ~ right left like right left comme right left zoals right | True if left contains right string. This operator only works for string types | name like abc |
left !~ right left !like right left !comme right left !zoals right | True if left does not contain right string. This operator only works for string types. | name !~ abc |
left startswith right left commencepar right left beginmet right | True if left starts with right string. This operator only works for string types | name commencepar abc |
left !startswith right left !commencepar right left !beginmet right | True if left does not start with right string. This operator only works for string types | name ! beginmet 123 |
left endswith right left finitpar right left eindigtmet right | True if left ends with right string. This operator only works for string types | name endswith abc |
left !endswith right left !finitpar right left !eindigtmet right | True if left does not end with right string. This operator only works for string types | name !endswith abc |
Find entities by value
identifier relational_operator value
The identifier is searched among all property names, whether they are system (not belonging to any forms like Name, Ean, Id, …) or not (non-system properties are defined in forms).
- Name like acme which matches Name = 'my acme name' and Form1.Group1.Name = 'acme' (see Find form entities by value)
- SerialNumber > 10
Find system entities by value
[identifier] relational_operator value
The identifier is searched among all property names not belonging to any forms like Name, Ean, Id…
- [Name] like acme which matches Name = 'my acme name' but not Form1.Group1.Name = 'acme' (see Find form entities by value)
Find form entities by value
form_identifier.group_identifier.field_identifier relational_operator value
The identifier is searched among all property names belonging to forms like Name, Ean, Id…
- Form1.Group1.Name like acme which matches Form1.Group1.Name having value 'acme' (see Find form entities by value) but not system property Name having value 'my acme ne'
group_identifier is optional: Form1.Name = acme will search for any field of Form1 having a property called Name with value acme.
form_identifier and group_identifier (as a pair) is optional: form_field = acme will search for any field of any form having a property called Name with value acme. Remember that this query will also search for system property named form_field.
Find entities with empty properties
identifier = empty, identifier != empty, identifier <> empty
Searches for entities having an identifier whose value is/is not either null or empty string or blank string.
identifier = empty can't find entities MISSING a property called identifier. It will find entities having identifier = null or identifier = ''
Find entities based on a foreign entity
Site{expression}, Lieu{expression}, Locatie{expression}
Searches for sources related to sites satisfying the expression.
- Site{ Name like acme and PostalCode > 1000} : select all sources linked to a site satisfying Name like acme and PostalCode > 1000
- Site{ Name like acme and PostalCode > 1000} and Name like MyName : select all sources satisfying Name like MyName and linked to a site satisfying Name like acme and PostalCode > 1000
This is only meaningful when searching for Sources.
Source{expression}, Meter{expression}, Equipement{expression}, Bron{expression}
Searches for entities related to sources satisfying the expression.
- Source{ Name like acme} : select all sites linked to a source satisfying Name like acme
- Source{ Name like acme} and PostalCode > 1000 : select all sitessatisfying PostalCode > 1000 and linked to a source satisfying Name like acme
This is only meaningful when searching for Sites.
DataQuality{quality_value}, Qualite{ quality_value }, Kwaliteit{ quality_value }
Searches for sources having the specified quality_value. The quality values are:
- GOOD, BON, GOED: select sources having all their variables (involved in a data quality status check) reporting a valid data quality status
- BAD, MAUVAIS, MAUVAISE, SLECHT: select sources having at least one of their variables (involved in a data quality status check) reporting a bad data quality status
- UNDEFINED, INDEFINI, INDEFINIE, ONGEDEFINIEERD: select sources having none of their variables (involved in a data quality status check) reporting a data quality status
- DataQuality{GOOD} : select all sources reporting a good data quality
- DataQuality{GOOD} and Name like MyName : select all sources satisfying Name like MyName and reporting a good data quality
This is only meaningful when searching for Sources.
SourceType{partialname }, MeterType{partialname}, TypeSource{ partialname}, TypeEquipement{ partialname}, BronSoort{partialname}
Searches for sources having a source type whose name partially matches partialname.
- SourceType{ABC} : select all sources having a source type matching *ABC* (e.g. _ABC, ABC, ABCD)
- SourceType{ABC} and Name like MyName : select all sources satisfying Name like MyName and having a source type matching *ABC* (e.g. _ABC, ABC, ABCD)
This is only meaningful when searching for Sources.
GatewayType{partialname}, TypePasserelle{partialname}, ToegangspoortSoort{ partialname}
Searches for sources having a gateway type whose name partially matches partialname.
- GatewayType{ABC} : select all sources having a gateway type matching *ABC* (e.g. _ABC, ABC, ABCD)
- GatewayType {ABC} and Name like MyName : select all sources satisfying Name like MyName and having a gateway type matching *ABC* (e.g. _ABC, ABC, ABCD)
This is only meaningful when searching for Sources
Entities or values with white spaces
White spaces or tabs are used by the query tokenizer as token separator, meaning that the query My property = some value will produce a parsing error because the tokenizer will produce [my, property, =, some, value], which is an invalid parsing tree [my, property=some, value]. To tell the tokenizer to treat multiple tokens as a single one, enclose these tokens by single quote: ' My property' = 'some value' which produces the expected parsing tree [my property = some value].
Combine search criteria's
Binary operators
Operator names are case insensitive
Operator | Description |
AND, ET, EN, & | Left and right expressions must evaluate to trueExample: Name like xyz AND Name !like a_xyz |
OR, OU, OF, | Left or right expressions must evaluate to trueExample: Name like xyz OR Name !like abc |
Operators precedence
By default, OR operators have precedence to AND operators. The precedence can be modified by surrounding relational expressions with parentheses.
Example: (Name = ABC OR Name = def) AND Name = ghi. The default precedence is equivalent to Name = ABC OR (Name = def AND Name = ghi)
Implied AND
When two or more comparison expressions are separated by white chars, the white chars are considered as an implied AND.
Example: Name = abc MeterNumber = efg is equivalent to Name = abc AND MeterNumber = efg
Legacy search fallback
The query syntax described in this document applies to API fields siteFilter.customFilter and sourceFilter.customFilter. There are also siteFilter.searchText and sourceFilter.searchText search filters that were formerly used to perform a full text search on entity properties. They are now legacy but kept for backward compatibility. The new syntax parser reverts to full text search (compatible with the legacy full text search) in the following conditions:
- The search query contains a single term
- Example: acme (matches e.g Name = acme, EanNumber = Acmé, …)
- The search query contains multiple terms not involved in any query expression
- Example : acme1 acm2 (matches e.g Name = NameAcme1 OR Name = 'Some acme2' OR EanNumber = acme1, …)
- The search query contains multiple terms surrounded by double quotes not involved in any query expression. The casing does not matters but the word order matters.
- Example: 'acme1 acm2' (matches e.g Name = 'This is Acme1 acme2' but does not match Name = 'This is acme2 Acme1'…)
Syntax terms types
Sting values are expressed either without quotes or surrounded by single quotes.
- ThisIsAString
- 'This is a string with spaces'
- 'ThisIsAString'
- '123'
- This is not a string but isolated terms
Integers range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. The sign identifier is optional for positive numbers.
- -123
- 0
- 123
- +123
Doubles range from -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308. The sign identifier is optional for positive numbers. Numbers can also be expressed in Exponential form.
The decimal separator is the dot '.' and no comma is allowed neither for decimal separator nor for thousands separator.
- 1.23
- -0.001
- 1.2E3
- -3.4E-3
Date range follows the Unix epoch range. They support the following formats:
- yyyy
- M-yyyy
- d-M-yyyy
- d-M-yyyy H
- d-M-yyyy H:m
- d-M-yyyy H:m:s
- M/yyyy
- d/M/yyyy
- d/M/yyyy H
- d/M/yyyy H:m
- dd/M/yyyy H:m:s
- yyyy-M
- yyyy-M-d
- yyyy-M-d H
- yyyy-M-d H:m
- yyyy-M-d H:m:s
- yyyy-M-d H:m:s.fff
- yyyy-M-d H:m:s.fffZ
- yyyy-M-dTH:m:s.fffZ
- yyyy-M-dTH:m:s.fff
Information the user should notice even if skimmingDate expression MUST be surrounded by single quotes ('2017-08-06T00:00:00.000Z')
Terminal | Description | Sample |
and, &, et, en | AND | PostalCode = 1340 and City = 'Louvain-La-Neuve' |
or, ou, of | OR | PostalCode = 1340 of City = 'Louvain-La-Neuve' |
= | EQUAL | City = 'Here' |
!=, <> | NOT EQUAL | Number <> 0 |
< | LOWER THAN | Number < 0 |
<= | LOWER THAN OR EQUAL | Number <= 0 |
> | GREATER THAN | Number > 0 |
>= | GREATER THAN OR EQUAL | Number >= 0 |
~, like | LIKE | City like 'ru' (matches 'Brussels', 'Prum') |
!~, not like, !like | NOT LIKE | City not like 'ru' |
endswith, finitpar, eindigtmet | ENDS WITH | City finitpar 'els' |
!endswith !finitpar, !eindigtmet | DO NOT END WITH | City !endswith 'els' |
startswith, commencepar, beginmet | STARTS WITH | City startswith 'Bru' |
!startswith, !commencepar, !beginmet | DO NOT START WITH | City not startswith 'Bru' |
() | Change operator precedence | A=1 and (B=2 or C=3) |
. | Compound identifier separator | Form.Group.'Field name' |
Identifier{} | Specify a foreign entity | Site{name = 'MySite'} |
empty, leeg, vide | Constant | 'A form property' = empty |
Identifier | Identifier | Name |
'Identifier with space' | Identifier | 'A Name' |
'legacy Identifier with space' | Identifier | 'A Name' |
[] | Restrict the search to system properties only (not part of a form) | [Name] = xyz |
ImpliedAnd (whitespace) | Whitespace between expressions is an implied AND | A=1 B=2 C=3 |
BNF grammar
- BinaryExpression -> SelfEntityExpression BinaryOp SelfEntityExpression
- BinaryExpression -> ForeignEntityExpression BinaryOp SelfEntityExpression
- BinaryExpression -> SelfEntityExpression BinaryOp ForeignEntityExpression
- BinaryExpression -> ForeignEntityExpression BinaryOp ForeignEntityExpression
- BinaryOp -> ImpliedAndTerminal
- BinaryOp -> and
- BinaryOp -> &
- BinaryOp -> et
- BinaryOp -> en
- BinaryOp -> or
- BinaryOp -> |
- BinaryOp -> ou
- BinaryOp -> of
- ComparisonExpression -> LeftSideCompare StrictCompareOp StrictRightSideCompare
- ComparisonExpression -> LeftSideCompare PartialCompareOp PartialRightSideCompare
- DottedExpression -> IdentifierExpression . IdentifierExpression
- DottedExpression -> PropertyStringExpression . IdentifierExpression
- DottedExpression -> IdentifierExpression . PropertyStringExpression
- DottedExpression -> IdentifierExpression . DottedExpression
- DottedExpression -> PropertyStringExpression . PropertyStringExpression
- DottedExpression -> PropertyStringExpression . DottedExpression
- ForeignEntityExpression -> IdentifierExpression { ForeignEntityExpression }
- ForeignEntityExpression -> SelfEntityExpression
- ForeignEntityExpression -> Constant
- ForeignEntityExpression -> IdentifierExpression
- LeftSideCompare -> IdentifierExpression
- LeftSideCompare -> PropertyStringExpression
- LeftSideCompare -> SystemPropertyExpression
- LeftSideCompare -> DottedExpression
- ParenthesizedExpression -> ( SelfEntityExpression )
- ParenthesizedExpression -> ( ForeignEntityExpression )
- PartialCompareOp -> ~
- PartialCompareOp -> !~
- PartialCompareOp -> like
- PartialCompareOp -> comme
- PartialCompareOp -> zoals
- PartialCompareOp -> !like
- PartialCompareOp -> !comme
- PartialCompareOp -> !zoals
- PartialCompareOp -> startswith
- PartialCompareOp -> commencepar
- PartialCompareOp -> beginmet
- PartialCompareOp -> !startswith
- PartialCompareOp -> !commencepar
- PartialCompareOp -> !beginmet
- PartialCompareOp -> endswith
- PartialCompareOp -> finitpar
- PartialCompareOp -> eindigtmet
- PartialCompareOp -> !endswith
- PartialCompareOp -> !finitpar
- PartialCompareOp -> !eindigtmet
- PartialRightSideCompare -> IdentifierExpression
- PartialRightSideCompare -> NumberExpression
- PartialRightSideCompare -> StringExpression
- SelfEntityExpression -> BinaryExpression
- SelfEntityExpression -> ParenthesizedExpression
- SelfEntityExpression -> ComparisonExpression
- SingleIdentifierExpression -> IdentifierExpression
- SingleIdentifierExpression -> DoubleQuotedStringExpression
- SingleIdentifierExpression -> SingleIdentifierExpression ImpliedAndTerminal SingleIdentifierExpression
- StrictCompareOp -> =
- StrictCompareOp -> >
- StrictCompareOp -> <
- StrictCompareOp -> <=
- StrictCompareOp -> >=
- StrictCompareOp -> <>
- StrictCompareOp -> !=
- StrictRightSideCompare -> IdentifierExpression
- StrictRightSideCompare -> Constant
- StrictRightSideCompare -> NumberExpression
- StrictRightSideCompare -> DottedExpression
- StrictRightSideCompare -> StringExpression
- SystemPropertyExpression -> [IdentifierExpression]
- SystemPropertyExpression -> [NumberExpression]
- SystemPropertyExpression -> [PropertyStringExpression]
Relaxed type interpretation
The grammar parser will always try to interpret values in as much type as it can. This means that you can specify either an integer of a string to compare either a string or an integer.
A=1980 is then interpreted as ( A=1980 or A='1980' or A=1980.0 or A='1980-01-01T00:00:00.000' )
API call
private static async Task<Source[]> GetSources(HttpClient client, int? siteId)
var siteFilter = siteId == null ? "" : "$&siteId={siteId}";
var customQuery = "PostalCode=1000";
var encodedQuery = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(customQuery);
var response = await client.GetAsync($"{DataHubApi}sources?displayLevel=site{siteFilter}&customFilter={encodedQuery}");
return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Source[]>();