Mutation sample
Considering the schema sample, here is a mutation sample:
mutation {
Nodes: [
{ NodeType:"Customer", KeyProperty: "Id", KeyValue: "C1", Properties : [
{ Name : "Name", Value: "Customer1"}]},
{ NodeType:"DeliveryPoint", KeyProperty: "Key", KeyValue: "D1", Properties : [
{ Name : "Ean", Value: "ABC000"}, { Name : "IsActive", Value: 1}, { Name : "ActiveFrom", Value: "2021"}]},
{ NodeType:"Meter", KeyProperty: "Name", KeyValue: "M1", Properties : [
{ Name : "Region", Value: "BXL"}]},
Relations: [
{ SourceNode : {KeyProperty: "Id", KeyValue: "C1", NodeType: "Customer"},
DestinationNodes: {NodeSelector : "Ean = 'ABC000'", NodeType: "DeliveryPoint" },
RelationType : "HAS_ACCESS",
Properties: [ {Name : "ContractStart", Value:"2021-01-01"}, {Name : "ContractEnd", Value:"2021-12-31"}]},
{ SourceNode : {KeyProperty: "Key", KeyValue: "D1", NodeType: "DeliveryPoint"},
DestinationNodes: {NodeSelector : "Name = 'M1'", NodeType: "Meter" },
RelationType : "HAS_METER",
Properties: [ {Name : "FromDate", Value:"1987"}]},
{ SourceNode : {KeyProperty: "Name", KeyValue: "M1", NodeType: "Meter"},
DestinationNodes: {NodeSelector : "PARENT(DataHubSite, Id) = 123 AND Name STARTS WITH 'Meter'", NodeType: "DataHubSource" },
RelationType : "IS_SOURCE",
Properties: []},
){ NumberOfNodes, NumberOfRelations }