Business key
A sites or sources
Custom filter
An Data Hub-proprietary syntax allowing to filter/select sites or sources
An Data Hub object that defines additional properties of an entity
Master Data
Generic term that embraces the data and procedures offered by Opinum to bulk create/update Data Hub entities
Master Data Engine
The software engine that will process the Master Data inputs to bulk create/update Data Hub entities
Master Data Template File
A file that contains definition data used by the Master Data Engine to process the Master Data Upload file
Master Data Upload File
A file that contains the data that must be transformed by the Master Data Engine to alter Data Hub entities
See Master Data Engine
Opinum Data Hub
Opinum Data Hub® is the ultimate IoT & Data Analytics Platform to make quality data available to all your data driven processes and easily generate various types of reports, dashboards and alerts
Opinum storage
This is the logical place where all files (Master Data, data points, reports, ...) are stored. There is a storage per account.
An Data Hub entity that represents a physical or logical site (location, building, zone, ...) and that is a container of sources
An Data Hub entity that represents a physical or logical device (energy meter, air quality meter, ...) and that is a container of variables
An Data Hub entity that represents a events that happened to a set of sources (i.e. boiler maintenance on the 1st of April 2018)
An Data Hub entity that represents a physical or logical user (person, function, ...) who has secured and potentially restricted accesses to other Data Hub entities (sites, sources, reports, alerts, ...)